McCain/Vagina 2008!
Guns in every home are so obviously the best thing for America! McCain/Palin ’08
Teen pregnancy – oh, just rub some dirt in it. McCain/Palin 2008!
McCain: Palin more every minute.
What do you call a guy who loves hockey and MySpace and kicking ass and hockey?
Bristol-whipped! McCain/Palin 08
Better not get raped! McCain/Palin for change. ’08
Governor of Alaska is really more like Emperor of a whole separate country, isn’t it? Not that we want it to be separate. Just sayin’. McCain/Palin in 2008!
We won’t let her anywhere near policy. Swearsies. McCain – Palin 08
If cross us, we WILL have you fired. Just sayin’. McCain/Palin 2008
If I die during office (which I won’t, because I’m 72 years YOUNG) how about if I just agree to order that she be quietly “removed” and we let the next young lady step in?
McCain/Palin/Pelosi 2008!