Clearly the planets are a strange allignment. Mercury is giving out his business card to Mars. Venus is making out with Jupiter. Neptune and Pluto have filed a grievance because they have had enough of being the “cold planets”….. some wacky galactic shit is going down today.
I was startled out of slumber today because a nurse at the hospital was calling me to try to get ahold of Kory’s Dad because his grandmother was going into surgery which was a weird start to the day and perplexing to everyone as it was akin to calling France to find out what people in China think of the weather in Mexico.
I came to work and privately (in the car) bitched out the 2 people in front of me who didn’t have their keycards ready to get into the parking lot and made me wait…. ( “Do you not work here?! Do you not remember that you need this stupid key card every day? I curse you!”) Card in hand I smugly and quickly pull up right next to the reader. My window is already down… I am the very epitome of READINESS… and then…
I drop my card out of the car onto the street. I not only now can’t open the bar to get in the parking lot, but I can’t back up because there are now cars behind me… I also can’t get out of the car because I’ve pulled so close to the reader………… CURSES! FOILED AGAIN! So, I squeeze out.. get the card… wave an apology to those waiting (who have all probably joined my chorus of bitching)… Karma.. Karma….. ouch
I come into work and end up getting on the elevator with the one person that I feel really uncomfortable around. Karma! Karma, quit it!
I walk over to my desk.. talk to my coworkers… discover that I have LOST AN EARRING… my BRAND NEW EXTREMELY COOL long, glittery, dangly earring…. KARMA! I’m sorry! Quit it!
Then……… this random woman walks up to me HOLDING MY EARRING and asks me if I’ve lost one…… there…there.. that’s a niiiiiice karma… goood karma…..
I go to lunch with my friend Danielle to the Macaroni Grill. We eat salads, drink our sodas and share a large pasta entree and the bill comes and I’ve already generously agreed to pay today…. and it’s………….. $13.16
WHAT? Turns out the waitress forgot to put our drinks on the bill…. Oh, Karma… I love you. Or at least like you as a friend. So, I leave our waitress STEPH (coinidink?) a large tip and we go…. we had a blast and I loved catching up with Dani.
Then – the weirdest of all weird. I was goofing around in the search engine of myspace and I decide to put in my childhood best friend’s name – Sophia…. and this woman comes up. This woman who looks like she could TOTALLY BE the very same Sophia. There isn’t much info on her page.. but she’s the right age… and I look at some of her “friends” and they are from Tucson – which is where we grew up…. so it’s looking possible…. but then I notice that her last log on was like October some time.
So, I send a message to the person that may or may not be the same person that I spent almost a week creating a secret club with… in which her name was BOUNCER and mine was BOXER and we had navy blue courderoy vests made with our names embroidered on the back.. and our club house was actually in her room at the very top of this huge linen closet in which we could hang out on the top shelf. The same person that I have never in my life been able to eat a pomengranate without thinking of her. The same person that I learned all the words to “If you like Pina Coladas” with… and is the reason I spent hours hunting this book down last year:
Anyway… she wrote me back… it’s totally and completely HER.
I mean – WOW. I’m just stunned. She wants me to call her because there is so much to catch up on – where could she start? Where can I?! How do you even begin a conversation with someone that you haven’t seen in over 20 years? I’m honestly daunted by the task. I’m thrilled to have found her – and thrilled that she sounded thrilled that I did………………… but how do you have a conversation that begins with telling someone your life starting with the 6th grade?
How do you not sound like a lunatic?!!
I’ve got to sleep on this one….
Karma? YO, KARMA!!!
What is UP, fly guy?