And when I say “vicious”, I mean it. Mean words. Low blows. I think we were even mocking one another at one point.
I could not believe he could be so naive as to think this ad was truly intended to be respectful and generous and honoring of MLK, Jr.
I could not believe he didn’t see it as racist and condescending – a nauseating pat on the head for the wittle boy on his wittle special day.
He could not believe that I insisted on seeing it as evil, instead of an acknowledgment of the importance of the day.
He could not believe that I wouldn’t just drop it and agree to disagree.
I couldn’t.
I thought it was bigoted. I thought it was patronizing.
I came to work today and people were talking about the ad – and I found that like Kory and me, people were distinctly divided on the subject. People either clearly saw this as under-handed or clearly saw it as respectful and classy.
So, where do you fall?
Also, there is a very interesting discussion about Obama going on at Blue Girl in a Red State’s site.
Check it – HERE.
Thanks for the link, Denise!
RE the ad: Dog whistle to conservatives while tricking most liberals that he’s done something classy.
Probably got away with it with most everyone. That’s my take. God, I hope he doesn’t win.
Comment by blue girl — August 29, 2008 @ 12:15 pm
At least you fought visciously over a political ad.
We go at it over whose turn it is to change the cat litter. Lol.
Comment by Krista — August 29, 2008 @ 1:02 pm
I didn’t perceive on ounce of sincerity in that, BUT I also really, really dislike McCain. And because of that it is hard to make an unbiased comment about it. Republicans or those who like McCain will think it is nice and classy. Those who despise him will take it the other way. Our opinions are almost always colored by our emotions. It’s hard not to be that way. Seeing that ad made me want to punch McCain in the face and say “Take that MotherF****er!”.
On your other post:
Obama excites me too. I don’t give a shit if he has to play the game a little bit either. He can do what he needs to do. Because I don’t know if our economy can survive another Republican in office…..
Comment by Faith — August 29, 2008 @ 1:08 pm
i gave the Kid two choices: leave the room or don’t talk. that being said, we both agreed (!!!) that the ad was creepy at best. the nod to MLK? more like a “see fuckers? affirmative action at its worst.” and this Palin WOMAN?
seriously, does he think I am just stupid??
Comment by ms picket to you — August 29, 2008 @ 4:15 pm
I know. My mind is blown over the nom. She, um, was a professional fisherwoman. And…. she has 5 kids. The youngest one is only 4 months old! And has Downs Syndrome! I mean, can we pick the MOST DISTRACTED WOMAN ON THE PLANET to be VP?
I can only pray, no. No. No. No.
Oh, that’s right… I don’t really pray. I can only hope that people with even partial brains will see how bizarre this is.
And I don’t know why this makes me laugh. I really don’t. I mean, Tipper was an awful name. But Mr. VP’s name is Todd. I just find that hilarious for some reason.
Comment by denise — August 29, 2008 @ 4:20 pm
I can only hope that people with even partial brains will see how bizarre this is.
Don’t you though? But, can we rely on it? No! Man oh man. It’s getting crazier by the day.
If you get a second, go read the comment under the one you left at my place, Denise. Are those people for real? He/She said we’ve lost the Democratic Party so millions of them will vote McCain, then lists a bunch of issues that McCain/Whatsherface don’t give a rat’s you know what about.
Absolutely nuts.
Comment by blue girl — August 29, 2008 @ 4:46 pm
I swear I keep thinking people like that are Republican plants. I’ve been getting a ton of emails for the last several months from Hillary supporters wanting me to post about this, that and the other — about how mad they are and they’re not gonna take it anymore. I swear they are Republican plants, just instigating in-fighting between the Dems. Am I being paranoid? Are there really Hillary supports THAT CRAZY?
I supported Hillary. And I was disappointed she lost. But it’ll be a cold day when I vote for McCain because of it! What is UP with this stuff? Geez Louise.
Comment by blue girl — August 29, 2008 @ 4:48 pm
It’s bizarro! Anyone recommending that Dems split off and join splinter groups of Dems scares me. It’s like Waco. For Dems.
Comment by denise — August 29, 2008 @ 7:02 pm
Okay, if it were anyone other than John McCain and his condescending tone that smacked of “I am doing this because I have to, congrats Uncle Tom” maybe it would have worked. Good job you made it this far, tomorrow me and my whiteys are going to smack you back into your place.
Alright, that was low, lower than low. I do think he did it with good intentions, but the execution left a lot to be desired. To bad.
Ultimately, everyone keeps saying the election is not about race, but it is. Obama and McCain both make it about race, albeit they try to spin it as “see how far we have come”. Race is a guilt inducing topic to white people all over the place. So there it is, race is a factor in the election. I don’t care, I like what Obama has to say and I am going to vote for him.
Let’s qualify that this opinion is from a white girl who lives in WI, so is it my White girl guilt that cannot accept a white man’s congratulations? Or is that I think John McCain looks like just underneath the surface lies a cruel and mean man, who knows???
Comment by Gabbi — September 2, 2008 @ 9:40 am