
September 18, 2008

Total Space Geek

Oh shuddup.

Yeah, I’m a space geek.

I practically lived in the Flandrau Planetarium with my grandfather, growing up.

I would have traded my sticker album, my Swatch AND my Smurf collection for a chance to go to Space Camp. (Which had almost nothing to do with with Tate Donovan. Mostly not.)

I read everything, EVERTHING by Ann McCaffrey and would have gladly moved to Pern to be a Harper.

My name is Denise.  And I am a Space Geek.

To that end, I have a daily page I subscribe to that depicts a photo from NASA of outer-space and it never fails to leave me spinning and gape-jawed at the awesomeness and beauty of space.

If you dig it at all, you can check it here: NASA

It’s not just a heart-stopping, lip-trembling bit of beauty.. but there is a description by the astronomer/photographer of what you are looking at.

If you order NOW, each description will also be filled with links to even further explain the explanation. (If you are one of THOSE, and I know some of you are…)

A preview… a SMACKERAL, if you will…

I know…  you were just thinking that this looks just like two galaxies colliding.  Holy shit, you are GOOD.

These are the “Heart and Soul Nebulas”.   Did you just roll your knuckles across your keyboard? Did you?  If you did, I will kiss your face!!

A meteorite shower in Romania.  My heart would have just stopped if I’d been there.

Total solar eclipse.

You guys, this is total space porn.


  1. I always remember the Astronomy book I had in college with this picture.

    Comment by klasker — September 18, 2008 @ 8:59 pm

  2. I think I just orgasmed. Oops

    Thanks for the new “favorite”


    Comment by Gabbi — September 19, 2008 @ 8:03 am

  3. When I was a little girl I had a Sally Ride poster above my bed. She was my hero, for sure. Thanks for posting all of this. Good to know there are other proud something or other nerds out there! 🙂

    Comment by Krista — September 19, 2008 @ 11:21 am

  4. PERN!!!! I’d still move there with Menolly as long as I could find a nest…
    Oh, and remember to watch out for the thread….

    Comment by CaraLin — September 19, 2008 @ 11:58 am

  5. Gorgeous! Total space geek here. A few years ago we had a fabulous meteor shower and I woke my kids (who were like 4 and 6) up at 3:30 AM and made them go outside and watch it with me. Thankfully the husband is even more of a space geek than I am, so he was totally on board.

    Comment by Christine — September 19, 2008 @ 1:38 pm

  6. Ooooh Christine… you are so lucky. I would love love love to see a meteor shower. I keep thinking living up here in Minnesota for the last FLIPPING DOZEN YEARS you’d think I would have seen Northern Lights by now… but alas… the closest I have come is the Northern Lights Casino up north. 🙂

    CaraLin – OMG! OMG! Dude. I have an ACTUAL RECIPE for Bubbly Pies! And for Klah! If you haven’t read her Freedom series, it’s amazing. It’s about people who are kidnapped from all over the universe and dropped on a planet with just a few supplies by a greater race that just wants to see what they do… how they form all the systems and processes of society – money, education, work, religion, politics… there are I think 4 books in the series and it’s just really, REALLY good.

    Also, where’s that baby?!!! JOSIE COME OUT!

    Comment by denise — September 19, 2008 @ 1:44 pm

  7. you do know about my absolute breakdown on the eve of first child’s birth because i realized i would NEVER be an astronaut? at least i have these pictures…

    Comment by ms picket to you — September 22, 2008 @ 3:47 pm

  8. Beam me up Scottie! LERVE IT!

    Comment by Dani D — September 23, 2008 @ 9:56 am

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