
August 26, 2008

Advice you don’t think you need, but someday might.

I have been asked for advice about a few things recently….

I am a DISCLAIMER ADVICE-GIVER. In other words, I think that giving advice is for assholes, but I do it anyway AND I add this disclaimer:

You should do what you think is right and I am no expert on this but this is what I would do………… [commence verbal advice barfing]

So, everyone take that little disclaimer snippet and shove it under your nose for the next few minutes while you read the following and remember that unless you are wearing a WWDD bracelet today, you should really just not ask my advice. Because I will give it, and also simultaneously refuse to take any responsibility for the resulting consequences of following said advice.

Dear Denise,

My son is getting married next October and since you had an October wedding, could you please give us some advise and or decorating tips?

Dear Tips,

1. October is the quintessential Minnesota month. For example, on my wedding day at the END of October it was 85 degrees at noon. It rained in the evening. I think it even snowed a bit. Also, frogs fell from the sky. If you buy a long-sleeved wedding dress, it will be hot. If you buy sleeveless, it will snow. If you wear your hair up it will rain, however, it will also rain if you wear it down. Your best bet is to wear snappy wind-suits and sombreros.

2. Decorating for an October wedding goes like this: Go to Michaels. Buy everything fall colored or remotely fall related. That is all.

3. If you decide to make favors for your wedding yourself, and think that making your own candles for each guest would be touching and personal, do not make more than one scent. You will spend your entire reception listening to this: “You got Pumpkin Spice! I wanted Pumpkin Spice!” “Why did YOU get Blackberry Sage?? I’ve known this family for 10 years and I get Spiced Apple?” Totally heartwarming, let me tell you.  It’s all about the love, yo.

Dear Denise,

You throw great parties!  Will you please plan and host my next party?

Dear Party,

Thank you!  No, jerkface.

General life lesson for everyone:  Just because someone is good at something and takes some personal pride in their ability to do something well, doesn’t mean they want to spend their RARE and VALUABLE spare time doing that thing for you.  For free.  Sheesh.

Dear Denise,

What do you do if you want to invite people to a party or event that do not get along with one another?

Dear Get Along,

People have been struggling from the beginning of time with this question… mostly because the people that do not get along are frequently family members.  Even at the beginning of time, someone thoughtfully considered, while pounding on a mammoth leg, whether or not they should invite Ogg because Ogg and Drek always end up beating the snot out of one another at every Mammoth Leg Party.

People generally address this situation in one of four ways:

1. Hope for the best. Invite them both and hope they have the sense to at least avoid one another, if they can not be civil.

Why this will not work: First of all, everyone you know already knows that they don’t like one another. When both of them arrive, the fact that they are both there will become the focus of everyone at the party.

Even if they CAN avoid each other, there will be lots of heated glares and rolling of eyes.  They will BOTH be mad at you for inviting the other person.  If you are serving alcohol, there is a 35% chance they will not only interact, but will end up rolling around in the gravel and pulling each other’s hair.  There is also a 35% chance they will end up hugging and apologizing and declaring their undying friendship for one another. If either of those things happen, there is a 98% chance they will deeply regret it the next morning.  And they will blame you.  Again.

2. Hedge your bets. Invite the one most likely to be mad at you for not inviting them.  Tell the more easy-going of the two that you didn’t invite her because you figured she wouldn’t come ANYWAY, if the other one was coming.

Why this won’t work: You’ve now officially picked a team. You’re going to have to stick to that.  When they reconcile their differences, guess who will look like the asshole, now?  You.

3.  Ignorance is bliss. Pretend you didn’t know they didn’t get along.  Swear dramatically that you thought they were friends.  Beg them, separately, to please try to enjoy themselves.

Why this won’t work: Now, you’ve not only invited their mortal enemy to a night that was SUPPOSED TO BE FUN for them… but you’ve also proven to be a terrible, uninterested friend that doesn’t pay attention to her friends and their problems.

4. Feed the gorilla in the corner.

Have your party.  Invite them both.  If asked, swear to them that the other one isn’t coming. In fact, tell them you’ve hired an off-duty officer to guard the door to your home to ensure the other person will not ruin the party for them.

When they arrive, strap those giant inflatable boxing gloves on them and lead them to a big ring in your backyard. Gather everyone around and get them to chant, “GRUDGE MATCH! GRUDGE MATCH!

Watch them either die of humiliation or knock the beans out of one another.

Why this WILL work: It will be the LAST time you will ever be asked to deal with picking which friend to invite to a party because if people have issues with one another, they certainly won’t burden you with that knowledge.  Also, entertainment-wise, it’s cheaper than a DJ.

August 24, 2008

Why I’m almost certainly a lock to be the next Secretary of Homeland Security.

1)  Because it apparently doesn’t require previous experience.

2)  I kick ass and take names.

3) Because I have two new BFFs named BARACK and JOE and they can’t stop emailing me to tell me how MUCH THEY NEED ME!

Check it:

Denise —

I have some important news that I want to make official.

I’ve chosen Joe Biden to be my running mate.

Joe and I will appear for the first time as running mates this afternoon in Springfield, Illinois — the same place this campaign began more than 19 months ago.

I’m excited about hitting the campaign trail with Joe, but the two of us can’t do this alone. We need your help to keep building this movement for change.

Please let Joe know that you’re glad he’s part of our team. Share your personal welcome note and we’ll make sure he gets it:

Thanks for your support,


P.S. — Make sure to turn on your TV at 2:00 p.m. Central Time to join us or watch online at

And one from #2, as well.   (and I don’t mean POO.)

Denise —

I’d like to thank you for the warm welcome I’ve received as the newest member of this campaign.

What you and Barack have accomplished over the past 19 months is incredible, and it’s an honor to be part of it. I’m looking forward to rolling up my sleeves and getting involved.

I recorded a short video message about how I hope to help in the weeks ahead.

Please take a minute to watch the video and share it with your friends:

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be doing a lot of the things you’ve done to grow this movement — reaching out day after day in neighborhoods all across the country, connecting with people who are hungry for the change we need.

This is no ordinary time, and this is no ordinary election. I plan to do everything I can to help Barack take back the White House.

I don’t need to tell you that John McCain will just bring us another four years of the same. You can’t change America when you supported George Bush’s policies 95% of the time.

Barack has the vision and the courage to bring real change to Washington. But even he can’t do this alone.

Join me by getting involved in your community — and reach out to your friends and family to get them involved as well.

Please watch this video and pass it on:

Thank you,


Do you see how we are on a FIRST NAME BASIS?

And how they keep saying they NEED MY HELP?

I’m telling you, my appointment is practically official…  and you know what THAT will mean….

Only 14 people between me and the White House.

Let the pandering begin.

August 21, 2008

Crazy sexy since 1960.

Filed under: Deranged Denise — Tags: , — denise @ 9:00 pm

Thanks to Mocha Momma, I’ve been playing with this for like an HOUR.

1960 Denise was a Glee Club member as well as president of the local chapter of the Beatles fan club.  She had a steady named Stanley, whom she suspected was a little “funny”, which was fine with her because everyone knows that boys are dirty.

1964 Denise knows what she wants in life. Husband and 2 kids she can fix a nice roast for every Sunday. A perfect lawn.  Church on Sunday. She may dabble in some part-time Avon sales, but she’ll be at the door at 5pm every day to serve dinner for her family. And if her kids learn early on how to “make Mommy a martini” – so be it.  Her tomato aspic is out of this world and the lawn is impeccable.

1966 Denise is peppy!  She almost always addresses groups of people with, “YOU GUYS!” and is undeterred by her 4th consecutive year not making the cheer squad and is happy, instead, with her role as student council secretary. 1966 Denise will make the semi-finals for Miss Corncob but will be sabotaged (as her story goes) by a jealous competitor who steals her sheet music for her flute solo routine, just before the competition.

The most notable thing about 1968 Denise is that almost everyone she meets wants to punch her in the face.

1970 Denise secretly wishes her name was FiFi and is planning to move to Paris to study art and literature and music.  She will settle for a summer job making shakes at Tastee Freeze and practice french kissing with a cook named Roger.  Privately, he calls her Fifi and she calls him Armando.

1972 Denise accidentally took a drink of a Coca Cola that had a bee in it shortly before yearbook pictures were taken.  She spent her entire senior year being called, “Big Lips Denise”. At prom, the popular kids played a trick on her and splashed her dress with pig’s blood. She killed them all with her telekinesis and no one ever called her Big Lips Denise again.  The end.

Oh, 1976 Denise.  Why?  WHY?!

This is 1980 Denise.  I would rip on her more, but I have several pictures of my mother that look almost exactly like this.  So, point her toward the disco and LETS DANCE! She wants to party! (WHOO!) She wants to get down! (Whoo!)

In 1982, Denise turned into an heirloom varietal of mushroom.  The kind that delicately holds a dainty flower to it’s ruffled head.

Finally, we have 1988 Denise… the year the ACTUAL Denise ACTUALLY graduated from high school. I would venture that this Denise doesn’t look all that dissimilar to the actual Denise if you add about 12 bottles of Sun-In, and all my best friend’s make-up, jewelry and clothes.  Because, yeah, I didn’t have a single thing I owned on in any of my senior pictures.  It was Steph’s sweaters and Steph’s rings and Steph’s make-up and Steph’s Sun-In and Steph’s lipgloss that we stole (she liked to call it “borrowing”) from Thrifty’s.  My personal favorite is the one where I am hunched pensively over – with my fist crammed into my neck while I lean against a fake tree with big fake knots in the wood, which is in front of a large plastic screen with a picture of a forest on it.  Because, the 80’s were all about being natural and environmentally conscious.  Heh.

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