
May 29, 2008

100 things that make me happy…

Filed under: Blogging,Listy McListerton,Uncategorized — Tags: , — denise @ 10:18 pm

1. when a butterfly lands on me

2. fresh baked bread

3. smelly markers – the ones that smell like fruits and candy (except that jacked up black licorice one)

4. John Hughes movies – Sixteen Candles, Pretty In Pink, Breakfast Club, Weird Science…

5. getting cards and packages in the mail

6. cussing

7. Sephora, Ulta… any and all Makeup Meccas

8. public libraries (especially when I request a book and it comes in)

9. pull tabs. I go seriously batshit when I realize a bar/restaurant has pull tabs.

10. laying under trees and watching the sunlight filter through the branches and listening to the wind move the leaves… I could give you the long explanation that is… ok, I’m a Taurus and that is an earth sign which means I’m far more comfortable in dirt and rocks and plants than I am in water, air or fire… I’m not sure how many people are more comfortable on fire, but you see where I’m going with this. The short answer is that I like trees. And laying under them.

11. a rock-star parking space (you know, just shy of a handicap spot – can I say handicap? I think so.)

12. thunderstorms

13. writing

14. when I randomly and almost accidentally understand what someone else is saying in another language after growing up with a French-speaking grandmother, a German speaking mother and taking two (TWO!) years of Spanish in high school

15. the Stilton burger with truffle oil and parmesan fries from The Bulldog in Northeast

16. spontaneous genuine smiles

17. when someone holds a door for me, says “bless you” when I sneeze : average garden variety common courtesy that is so rare these days

18. empty public bathrooms

19. “smut mags” – The Enquirer, Globe, Star

20. someone else washing my hair (ahhhh…)

21. peanut butter

22. Christmas trees

23. museums

24. scratch off lottery tickets

25. Billy Collins poetry

26. bumper stickers about tolerance and peace

27. Better Cheddar crackers

28. Brittish/Aussie accents

29. Halloween – everything about it. Except that it isn’t a National Holiday that we get off work. Boo!

30. The PediEgg

31. reading in bed

32. getting emails from people that make me smile

33. bandwidth

34. gerbera daisies

35. avocados

36. flopping a set

37. turning a boat

38. football season

39. making the playoffs

40. fantasy football

41. my Mazda Tribute

42. coupons

43. Diet Coke

44. Diet Coke with Windsor

45. foot massage

46. Sabino Canyon and Mt. Lemon

47. swap meets

48. praise

49. mashed potatoes

50. Co. Bigelow

51. Going to Vegas

52. singing in the shower

53. corn mazes

54. board games

55. being valued

56. my best friend

57. surprises

58. people that get my drift, accept that I’m difficult but ALSO worth it, in the end

59. a snappy comeback

60. the future

61. my family & friends

62. reality shows

63. treasure/scavenger hunts

64. living in Minnesota

65. when I plant something and it actually grows (rare, I admit – but holy shit, have you seen my currant bush? It’s going crazy!  Kir Royale, anyone?)

66. being smart and creative

67. new socks and underwear

68. going to the State Fair and Renaissance Fair

69. that there might be more to life than we know… magic… life on other planets.. time travel.. ghosts..

70. really sharp cheese

71. waterfalls

72. public speaking

73. pomengranites

74. Lutsen

75. pumpkin patches

76. strong Democrat candidates

77. candles

78. acoustic music

79. Saints games

80. feeling pretty

81. new perfume

82. going barefoot

83. a clean house (speaking of rare…)

84. the color orange

85. old, soft sheets

86. pajamas

87. making out

88. autumn

89. really great soap (like the kind my sister I-L sent me from Berkeley!!!)

90. soft pretzels

91. people who keep their promises

92. my kids… my amazing kids…

93. blue jeans

94. iced tea

95. getting the bonus on a slot machine

96. sunsets (trite much? I don’t care. Suck it.)

97. my mom’s cool, reassuring hand on my forehead when I’m hurting…

98. my husband

99. popcorn at the movies

100.  nicknames

May 27, 2008

Please pass your assignments forward.

Filed under: Blogging — denise @ 4:00 pm

100 Things That Make You Happy —  let’s post on Friday!


I plan to do the 30/100/30 for the month of June.  Most bloggers have a tendancy toward longwindedness, myself included…   it’s a nice exercise in choice and brevity.  The exercise is this:

30 posts, of 100 words, in 30 days.   EXACTLY 100 WORDS.  I guess you could do less.  I’m worried that I will have the desire to count everyone’s words.  Or that people will count mine.  Maybe I will put a little “(98)” at the end to signify the # of words.  Oh my god. I’m turning into all the guys at Lutsen when they take something simple and make it really fucking complicated more fun by adding tons of rules and exceptions.  So, every 4th word of each sentence has to start with a vowel… and each form of punctuation can only be used once! And the last two words have to rhyme? 

(and just for a fer instance… that last paragraph has 112 words in it… so that’s how long your posts will be… are you counting?…  HAVE YOU NO TRUST?!! )

I was thinking that since June is the only month until September that has exactly 30 days that it would be a good month to do it. So, that’s my plan.  June 1st, the post will be called “1 of 30” and so on… since I’m having surgery on the 16th and will be in the hospital for a while, I plan to write 6 or 7 of them so Kory can just post them for me during that time.  I welcome my fellow bloggers to join me for this challenge in June. 


May 26, 2008

My mixtape for me- 25 songs of my life

Filed under: Blogging,Listy McListerton,Uncategorized — Tags: , , — denise @ 1:18 pm

I want to pop up a big thank you into left field to Krista for this meme…  It was horribly difficult and happily nostalgic.  Unlike the 100 lists, where you struggle for the last few items, I found the songs coming to me fast and furious and had to slash and burn about 15 of them at the end.  15 cuts that I will probably regret terribly…

After going through all the songs, I totally want to make out with myself, cheat on myself with some sweaty guy at a bad party after 4 too many California Coolers, and beg myself to come back because I love myself… I’m an idiot for losing the person that knew me the best.

No order.  Just songs that have a lot of history.  Or none, but I love them dearly.  Here goes.

1.  Lights – Journey

This song is summer. It’s tearing around San Fran with Steph on a Saturday with the money I stole from my mom with her ATM card (Sorry Mom… I really am still sorry about that). It’s being 16 and free and living dangerously with the person on the planet that knows your own brain and heart inside and out and not even caring that the emergency brake seems to be going out and we aren’t sure where the freeway is and are lost in the fashion district of Frisco at 2am and a strange man just tried to open our car door… because we are young… and gorgeous… and alive.. and together.  Naaaah naaah neh naaah nah… nah nah neh naaaaah nah…

2.  Save All Your Love –  Great White

Someone that I had an ENORMOUS crush on used to acoustically perform this at parties I went to… and used to ask me to sing it with him to the crowd of drunk people.  And he wasn’t mine.  And I wasn’t his.  And there was no possibility that it would ever be anything different – but oh, man… I would sing this song with him and wish….  that he was aiming those words at me.  He made excellent guitar faces.

3.  Bad Goodbye –  Clint Black & Wynonna

My all time favorite duet.   “My heart won’t let me put you through… what my mind knows must happen now”… oh, one of the great rubs in life.  I don’t love you anymore, but I’d still walk through fire to not hurt you.  We’ve all been there.

4.  Stupid – Toad the Wet Sprocket

I think it’s no surprise that a song entitled “Stupid” has to be on my personal mix tape.  This is also my all time favorite band and I could sing every word of this song in my sleep.  It’s a happy, fun, nostalgic stupid and the handful of people who have surprised me with this Toad song in my life will forever have a soft, lovely place in my heart.  You know who you are.

5.  Look What You’ve Done – Jet

I’m fascinated by songs that sound like one thing and the lyrics say another.  This Disney lullaby that says, “Oh, look what you’ve done – you’ve made a fool of everyone”, just kills me.

6.   Black River – Amos Lee

Give me a campfire.  Give me my deck.  Give me Monte and Chris on the guitar and this song. If you haven’t listened to Amos, please do. His voice will transport you.

7. Times Like These – Foo Fighters

You know I love the Foo.  The acoustic version is even more poignant – it’s about somehow finding a way to love one another again in a time of division and war and labels and teams.  It’s about deciding to stand up and fight or just decide to not even be a part of it.   It’s big and small. It’s everyone and also just you and me.

8. Still Lovin’ You – Scorpions

Hello 1989.  It’s been a long time.  We had a mesmerizing year, didn’t we?  I was 18 and for the first time in my life felt truly sexy.  I could work my black boots and my black tights and my black skirt and my shirt cut down to there… and I could sway my hips and throw my long hair back and forth across my face to this song and boys…men… would watch.  And for the first time, I felt like a woman.  Too bad I was such a prude tease good girl.

9. The Blowers Daughter – Damien Rice

Beautiful. A fairy tale to music that you can actually visualize, if you try.

10.  Home – Sheryl Crow

A bittersweet song for me as home was always difficult to pin down.  We moved all the time growing up.  I mostly considered my grandparent’s house my “home” and when they finally sold it in the early 90’s, I was devastated.  I always had people that loved me, but longed for “home”.

11. The Rock – Etta James

Everyone thinks of “At Last” the quintessential wedding song when they think of Etta James — but I am a huge fan of hers and I can tell you that most of her songs are not about love and lasting.  Her songs are about heartbreak and doing people wrong and being done wrong and picking up all the pieces when your life is shattered.  I love this song because it’s about moving on, but moving on strong.

12.  Be Mine – David Grey

I don’t remember how it happened, exactly. But this is our song.  We danced to it at our wedding and my heart lurches a little bit every time I hear it.

13. The Flame – Cheap Trick

This one is my first love.  This one is losing yourself completely in another person.  This one is fierce, painful love that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies.

14. What If – Coldplay

I love Coldplay and still listen to them at least once a week… but what I love about this song is the vulnerability of a cocky, extremely rich and famous person still wondering – loudly, poetically, publicly – what if you decide you don’t want me anymore? What if nothing I could say or do would change that?  What if you throw me away?  And while I think Gwenyth Paltrow is something of a douche, I love that he loves her enough to still have a least a nugget of worry about how lost he would be without her.

15. To Make You Feel My Love – Garth Brooks

From the “Hope Floats” soundtrack, also recorded by Trisha Yearwood (and don’t even get me started on their love story).  It’s my favorite Garth song and one of my favorite movies (if you don’t like it, you can suck it) and I always feel fierce and triumphant when he says “You aint seen nothin’ like me yet

16. Wish You Were Here –  Pink Floyd

Have you ever been in a bar when this comes on?  Or driven in with a carload of girlfriends to Oakland Stadium and heard this performed live to tens of thousands of people? Because whether its 100 people in a bar or 50,000 people in a stadium – when they all raise their voices to sing, “We’re just two lost souls swimmin’ in a fishbowl, year after year” – you have no choice but to feel connected to this world.

17. Black – Pearl Jam

My coming of age song.  This is about torn jeans and flannel shirts and the pool hall and that breath of time before I chose my life.

18. Question – Old 97’s

I first heard this song on the TV show “Scrubs” when Turk proposed to Carla. He played this song over a boombox while standing on car and JD ran around the car in circles with sparklers in his hand.  It was so romantic, I almost threw up.  I then found out that Kory was already a big Old 97’s fan and fell in love with all their music.  I secretly harbored the hope that one day I would come out of work and Kory would be on a car with this song playing while Monte ran around the car in circles with sparklers.  (His actual proposal was actually even more romantic, involving 12 dozen roses and Christmas lights and surprise parties…but that is another story)

19. A Dream About You – Keri Noble

A song by a woman about how badly she feels about how she ended a relationship with a man that loved her too much, too quickly and how she wished even years later she could apologize for making him cry.  I love it because I relate but also because there are so few songs out there about a woman regretting how badly she broke a man’s heart.

20. Blue – The Jayhawks

This song is Cape Cod.  This is me in a bubble bath, shy.  This is Kory humming along to this song while sitting on a chair next to the tub, but politely facing the other direction while I tried to make those bubbles cover me.  This is him passing me slices of mozzarella and olives and crackers and dark chocolate. This is candles and rain and claw foot tubs.  This is falling in love.

21. Time and Time Again – Counting Crows

This song is finding a new life.

22.  First Day of My Life – Bright Eyes

One of the most romantic songs and the all time most romantic videos.  If you haven’t seen it, watch it here. I get teary eyed every time I see the love and loss in this video. I am drawn to watching love in all its forms in this video  – and I don’t know why, but the part at end when the woman just strokes the place between her lover’s eyes seems so tender and intimate to me that it just pulls me apart, every time.  Yes, this was extremely shmoopy. WHAT?  I can be shmoopy sometimes!

23. Seein’ Things For the First Time – Black Crowes

I listened to this song about 47 million times when I divorced my first husband.

24. I Can’t Make You Love Me – Bonnie Raitt

One of the few songs that I really wish I could sing. Like, in a bring-down-the-house kind of way.

25.  We’re Going to Be Friends – White Stripes

A great way to end my mix tape – and my favorite song when I saw them live at First Ave.

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