
September 26, 2008

That’s why Chicago can suck it.

Filed under: Family,Sports — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , — denise @ 8:52 pm

My husband is a Minnesota Twins fan.  Me?  Not as much.  I like them, sure.  But I don’t follow the games and how many whatevers they are out of first or who has come up or been shipped back down, etc, ad nauseum – because if you are going to follow baseball… and I mean, REALLY follow it, you have to keep room in your head for millions of stats and rules and players and minors and majors and when you have to tag people and when you don’t and JESUS CHRIST there is a lot to remember.

So, I, cheerfully, remember none of it.

However, I am married to a man who not only remembers all of it, but is glad to tell me ALL ABOUT IT and never is bothered by the fact that he probably already told me that in the American Leauge, pitchers don’t bat at least 47 times since we’ve been married or that I still don’t know what he means EXACTLY when he talks about the bullpen.   You could figure that he’s infinitely patient with me (you’d be right) or you could figure that the man loves to explain baseball to anyone willing to listen (you’d be right again) and even that I don’t really ask him much about things he likes that I could give a shit about (cars, BurnOut, programming, how the DVR works, ETC, ETC, ETC) very often and that it always takes me down a notch when I see how happy he is that I’m taking an interest, if only momentarily, about something he likes to talk about a lot.  A LOT A LOT ALOT.

So, for the last 3 days I’ve heard a lot of blah, blah, blah about the White Sox and the Twins.  It involved a lot of half game out blah and then more about how when they play the half game is actually a whole game because you get both the win and loss together like when you bite two gummy bears in half and then smash them together and then eat it anyway, but in a far less baseballish way.  So each game was worth a LOT and did I know that THERE ARE ONLY 6 REGULAR GAMES LEFT IN THE SEASON?!!!

No, honey, I didn’t.

So, for several days I listened to his phone go off every half an hour sending him updates on the games…and he would put the game on after I’d gone to bed… and I knew we’d won 2 of the 3 games and that it was really, really, really important that we win all three (which is called SWEEPING THEM and does not involve cleaning unless you say it really sassy like, “We cleaned their clocks!” but you wouldn’t really do that with a broom… so, nevermind.)

Last night, we put the game on and when he saw the score was Twins 5 Sox 6 , he almost had an aneurism on our living room floor and I swear to god you would have thought someone told him that Santa Claus was here to grant him that million dollars he was hoping for, oh and also, it’s being delivered by Salma Hayek, who is naked.  He was THAT EXCITED.

So, being the loving and giving wife that I am WHO REALLY WANTED TO WATCH SURVIVOR, I put the game on and he explained that last he’d checked the Twins were way down – 6-1 so this was a major comeback of epic proportions.

I played my part.  Every time a new Twin came on screen I said, “Who dat?”

And then Kory would tell me every recorded statistic about that player known to man… where they lived, where they went to school, what personal problems they were currently dealing with the specifics and location of their birth.

I’m exaggerating, but only a little.  A really little.

Mauer, I know.  Mr. Sideburns.  Mr. Every Woman In My Office Is In Love With Him  Mr. Smack It Hard (giggle)

Cuddyer, I remembered from previous seaons…  but he’s been hurt and not doing so well and no one is completely sure how well he will do because he’s been out most of the season. I imagine a large cow doing that funny sideways chewing thing whenever I see his name on TV.

I should say HERE that I am doing this strictly from memory so if I mess any of this up, blame me, not Kory. In fact, if Kory reads this and I’ve gotten anything wrong… he will probably immediately start bleeding from his ears.  So, blame me.  I don’t care. I’m tired and surely will have ear blood to mop up soon.

Then there’s SPAN, who I called “SPAWN” because I thought it gave it some Eurpean flare and was quickly corrected that it was just plain old Span.  I can’t remember Span’s first name, but for some reason I think it’s something like Desitin.  I doubt he’s actually named after diaper cream, but it’s close to that. Bygones.

I think this is the guy who was called up and has been on fire ever since, even though he wasn’t exactly stellar in the minors.  He musta known a guy.

There’s another guy called Gomez who had a great game with a bunch of doubles and triples or slams or something…. and this kid is YOUNG.  I made a few comments about whether it was really appropriate to wear giant gold necklaces with one’s athelic uniform and Kory just rolled his eyes.  I think this is the kid that got called up and then sucked wind and got thrown back down and then called back up again and is also now “ON FIRE“. Gomez did an extremely jubliant (and slightly smuggy) limbo/chest-thumping move that was sort of endearing until I had to watch it a few dozen times during replays and highlights.  He was then approached by a reporter and it was sort of like listening to my daughter talk.

Example of my daughter talking:

hubla obbla BALL oh blee hum ELMO uh oh NUMMY NUMMY hubla oh APPLE!

I get what she’s saying, basically:  I see my ball.  I love Elmo.  I would like some food.

This is Gomez talking to the reporter:

hubla obbla TEAM oh blee hum BALL uh oh BETTER hubla oh THEN I PUT BAT ON BALL.

Which I think means: I like this team.  It’s better now.  Then I put bat on ball.

There are also guys like Morneau, which my husband calls Morneausy. Which I really hope is something all Twins fans do and not something kind of pansy-sounding that my husband said to make me more interested.

And there is Alexi Casilla, who hit the winning single to win the game… WHICH WAS A WALK-OFF, if you didn’t know. Which means that since it was extra innings then as soon as you score you walk off the field and spit at the other team.

I asked if my boyfriend BOOF pitched and he said yes and rolled his eyes for at least the 10th time, which means the man is the SAINT OF INFINITE PATIENCE because I was baiting him, for sure.

Only TEN eyerolls?  I have failed you, Sensei.

When they won, he lept like a baseball-drugged gazelle about the living room and hooted until I reminded him that I would have to stab him in the eye with a shish-kabob skewer if he woke The Baby up.

And I sat back and sighed… and prepared to go to bed completely unaware of the diatribe that was about to occur because

NOW WE PLAY THE ROYALS! (who aren’t that good, but have been playing well of late and have won 12 of their last 15 games and blah blah!)

THE SOX PLAY CLEVELAND! (who also aren’t great, but almost really good and almost went to The Series last year and is the team that we should be worried about next year and they have won 30 of their last 45 games and that IS REALLY GOOD, SISTER… ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME? BLAH! BLAH!)

WE ARE A HALF GAME UP BUT IF WE END UP A HALF UP OR A HALF DOWN THEN THERE IS A MAKEUP GAME THAT CHICAGO WILL HAVE TO PLAY (because there was rain a hundred years ago and it was randomly drawn to happen at home and it’s against Detroit.. and WE DO NOT WANT THIS GAME TO BE PLAYED)

and then a bunch of this:




…and that’s when I told him that he could lollygag around the infield all he wanted, I was going to bed.

Even as I fell asleep, I could hear him watching the highlights AGAIN and a light boom, boom, boom sound as he hopped up and down on our wood floors, riding his Twins Baseball high…

September 14, 2008

Clothes & Sandwiches

Today Kory helped me with The Baby’s room, which is at any given moment overrun by her clothes.

Clothes that used to fit her.

Clothes that don’t fit her next.

Clothes that are clean but not yet put away.

Clothes that are dirty.

Clothes for Goodwill.

Clothes I want to keep.

Clothes are are for summer.

Clothes that are for winter.

Clothes for friends that are about to have babies.

Clothes, clothes, GODDAMN CLOTHES everywhere.

Her clothes must be worked through almost weekly or our house will be overrun by tiny pink socks and Dora shirts.  Seriously, its like tweezing. Things quickly can get out of control.

You could say to me, “Yo, brainiac. How’s about you stop buying her so many clothes?”

To that I would respond, “The day girls clothes stop being so adorable and Target stops selling them for $4.00, that’s when, chumpy!”

So, today we had one of our marathon sessions in which we look at EVERY TAG to see if it’s too small, too big, THE RIGHT FUCKING SEASON, and we, to use a Palin-ism, CULL THE SPECIES.  We don’t chase the clothes around and shoot at them from airplanes or cut off the left arm of her shirts and pajamas for bounty, but only because her room is the size of a shoebox and chainsaws would be unwieldy in there.

After cleaning I made breakfast for Kory, The Teen (who was here for the weekend) and myself…. The Baby Her Highness of All Things Elmo already having eaten hours before, giant hot pink smear of yogurt still in her hair to prove it.

I made breakfast croques – a family favorite.  An English muffun (fork split only, fer Christ’s sake) with sliced turkey or ham and your choice of cheese, mustard and mayo – under the broiler.

This is how Kory contributed to the making of breakfast croques:

Me: *squeezing mayo from a squeeze bottle onto the muffins*

Kory: Blooooop!

Kory: BlllooooOOOoooop!

(repeat. a lot.)

Me: Dude. Nice condiment sound effects.

Kory: I’m good, right?  I’m totally good.

Me: Yo. You aren’t paying attention. I’m putting on the mustard now.

Kory: doodleydoodleydoodley...

Me: *squeezing mustard out in little dribbles*

Kory: doodleydoodleydoodley...

Kory: You see? You see how that’s a different sound from the mayo?

Me: Yeah, man. You’re amazing.

Kory: I’m really good at this.  I should find a way to do this for a living.

Me: Sandwich Special Effects Master

Kory: I was thinking more Sandwich Sound Technician, but yeah.

August 26, 2008

Advice you don’t think you need, but someday might.

I have been asked for advice about a few things recently….

I am a DISCLAIMER ADVICE-GIVER. In other words, I think that giving advice is for assholes, but I do it anyway AND I add this disclaimer:

You should do what you think is right and I am no expert on this but this is what I would do………… [commence verbal advice barfing]

So, everyone take that little disclaimer snippet and shove it under your nose for the next few minutes while you read the following and remember that unless you are wearing a WWDD bracelet today, you should really just not ask my advice. Because I will give it, and also simultaneously refuse to take any responsibility for the resulting consequences of following said advice.

Dear Denise,

My son is getting married next October and since you had an October wedding, could you please give us some advise and or decorating tips?

Dear Tips,

1. October is the quintessential Minnesota month. For example, on my wedding day at the END of October it was 85 degrees at noon. It rained in the evening. I think it even snowed a bit. Also, frogs fell from the sky. If you buy a long-sleeved wedding dress, it will be hot. If you buy sleeveless, it will snow. If you wear your hair up it will rain, however, it will also rain if you wear it down. Your best bet is to wear snappy wind-suits and sombreros.

2. Decorating for an October wedding goes like this: Go to Michaels. Buy everything fall colored or remotely fall related. That is all.

3. If you decide to make favors for your wedding yourself, and think that making your own candles for each guest would be touching and personal, do not make more than one scent. You will spend your entire reception listening to this: “You got Pumpkin Spice! I wanted Pumpkin Spice!” “Why did YOU get Blackberry Sage?? I’ve known this family for 10 years and I get Spiced Apple?” Totally heartwarming, let me tell you.  It’s all about the love, yo.

Dear Denise,

You throw great parties!  Will you please plan and host my next party?

Dear Party,

Thank you!  No, jerkface.

General life lesson for everyone:  Just because someone is good at something and takes some personal pride in their ability to do something well, doesn’t mean they want to spend their RARE and VALUABLE spare time doing that thing for you.  For free.  Sheesh.

Dear Denise,

What do you do if you want to invite people to a party or event that do not get along with one another?

Dear Get Along,

People have been struggling from the beginning of time with this question… mostly because the people that do not get along are frequently family members.  Even at the beginning of time, someone thoughtfully considered, while pounding on a mammoth leg, whether or not they should invite Ogg because Ogg and Drek always end up beating the snot out of one another at every Mammoth Leg Party.

People generally address this situation in one of four ways:

1. Hope for the best. Invite them both and hope they have the sense to at least avoid one another, if they can not be civil.

Why this will not work: First of all, everyone you know already knows that they don’t like one another. When both of them arrive, the fact that they are both there will become the focus of everyone at the party.

Even if they CAN avoid each other, there will be lots of heated glares and rolling of eyes.  They will BOTH be mad at you for inviting the other person.  If you are serving alcohol, there is a 35% chance they will not only interact, but will end up rolling around in the gravel and pulling each other’s hair.  There is also a 35% chance they will end up hugging and apologizing and declaring their undying friendship for one another. If either of those things happen, there is a 98% chance they will deeply regret it the next morning.  And they will blame you.  Again.

2. Hedge your bets. Invite the one most likely to be mad at you for not inviting them.  Tell the more easy-going of the two that you didn’t invite her because you figured she wouldn’t come ANYWAY, if the other one was coming.

Why this won’t work: You’ve now officially picked a team. You’re going to have to stick to that.  When they reconcile their differences, guess who will look like the asshole, now?  You.

3.  Ignorance is bliss. Pretend you didn’t know they didn’t get along.  Swear dramatically that you thought they were friends.  Beg them, separately, to please try to enjoy themselves.

Why this won’t work: Now, you’ve not only invited their mortal enemy to a night that was SUPPOSED TO BE FUN for them… but you’ve also proven to be a terrible, uninterested friend that doesn’t pay attention to her friends and their problems.

4. Feed the gorilla in the corner.

Have your party.  Invite them both.  If asked, swear to them that the other one isn’t coming. In fact, tell them you’ve hired an off-duty officer to guard the door to your home to ensure the other person will not ruin the party for them.

When they arrive, strap those giant inflatable boxing gloves on them and lead them to a big ring in your backyard. Gather everyone around and get them to chant, “GRUDGE MATCH! GRUDGE MATCH!

Watch them either die of humiliation or knock the beans out of one another.

Why this WILL work: It will be the LAST time you will ever be asked to deal with picking which friend to invite to a party because if people have issues with one another, they certainly won’t burden you with that knowledge.  Also, entertainment-wise, it’s cheaper than a DJ.

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