
April 24, 2008

Carly?! ~ Carrot Cake ~ Baby beer breath

Filed under: American Idol,Triple play — denise @ 10:55 am


I seriously can’t believe that she and Syesha were in the bottom two.  I can NOT believe that both Jason and Brooke were safe because I would have, like, bet a basket of kittens that they would be the bottom two. 

These are the Black Weeks of Idol for me, every year…. when good people go and popular people stay even when they suck ass.   It always becomes particularly noticable when you get down the last 5 or 6.

 *almost passes out from Diana DeGarmo flashback*

Seacrest: Jason, how do you think you did last night?

Jason: Uh…..pfffff…. I dunno……… I just don’t want to sing tonight……..

Enlighening as always, Jason, you TWIT.

And really, what would Brooke have to do to get kicked off?  In what way could she screw up badly enough that it isn’t “human” or endearing?

Obviously, the only way she’ll be voted off is if she calls David Archuleta a repressed midget and then throws up on the piano.

Carrot Cake

Cake………………………………………….  don’t like

Carrots………………………………………  don’t like

Raisins……………………………………….. don’t like

Coconut (aka “Ass Shavings”) ……. don’t like

Carrot Cake………………………………… love

I can’t explain it.

Baby Beer Breath

In the bathroom this morning, and I hear Kory yell from the living room, “OH NO! OH GOD!  GIVE ME THAT!!! OH GOD!!!!”

I run.  Because that sounds bad.

I see Kory chasing the running baby in a circle around the living room and she is gripping between her little hands a bottle of “Rising Moon” beer  (the special spring version of Blue Moon – it has lime peel in it and is quite good) that someone’s  father accidently left on the floor by the couch last night.

By the time he wrenches it from her hands, she’s spilled it on the floor and her shirt.  We wipe up the floor and take off her shirt — and god, nothing smells quite as strong and pungent and rude as old, hot beer that’s been spilled on fabric– and put a clean one on her.

The Baby is hollering and it looks like he’s trying to hug her or give her a kiss and she’s struggling and getting madder and finally I’m like, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”

and he goes, “I’m trying to smell her breath!  Can you imagine what the daycare will think if her breath smells like old beer?!

He had a point.

Neither of us could smell anything, but we slipped her a pizza crust just to be sure.  Now she just smells like tomatoes and flour. 


A new challenge every day…. some days, it’s helping her find her belly button! Some days, it’s helping her disguise her possible beer breath.

April 23, 2008

American Idol Top 6 (Subtitle: Next time let’s make them sing opera!)

Filed under: American Idol,Television — denise @ 1:25 pm

I could pretend that I wasn’t really excited about Andrew Lloyd Webber week, you know, to have the coolness factor thing. But I supercallafragalistic *JAZZ HANDS* was!

For some reason (an unfortunate penchant for stereotyping?), I expected ALW to be all blustery English guy… all WUT WUT WUT! A BUNCH OF FIBBLEDY FABBLE! BY GEORGE! WHERE’S MY TEA AND CRUMPETS?!… but instead he like, “I’m extremely accomplished and really none of you are remotely good enough to sing my songs…” which I TOTALLY dig in a mentor. Also, I was oddly transfixed by his pants! What was that color? Like a chocolate brown/rust/dark red/teddy bear/cocoa/loamy soil/cappuccino color? And corduroy? I could hardly tear my eyes away from them. Probably, you think I’m kidding. Probably, I’m not.

Paula looked lovely… pretty dress, cute shorter hair cut. She looked healthy and sober and younger than she usually does. Her comments seemed more appropriate and honest than usual. Her make up and jewelry were toned down. Obviously, the real Paula is running up and down the streets of Las Vegas throwing pills in her mouth and wearing rainbow beads and pineapple coasters for earrings, hair in 5 or 6 ponytails, grabbing people by the collars and sobbing to them that “THEY ARE SHINING STARS!!!!!” while her chihuahuas bite their ankles and this healthy, normal Paula is a drone sent from the planet Alpha Omega. I mean, it’s a theory, anyway.

Syesha Mercado – “One Roll-n-Roll Too Many”


I thought this was really great. I loved her cute little red, skin-tight dress. I loved her bare feet and her FABULOUS pin curls… I loved her energy and her fun and her smile. I’m just getting so turned around by being so bored with her one week and then really liking her the next. Do I like her? Do I not? Is the good? Unique? Would I buy her CD? I guess that’s the bottom line… I enjoyed this performance very much… my 2nd favorite of the whole season… but no, I probably would not buy her CD. So…. huh.

Jason Castro – “Memory” (Not “Memories”)

I knew things weren’t going to go well when Jason looked directly at the camera and said, “I guess this is a really popular song?”

Because, Jason, not only is “Cats” the musical it comes from the second-longest running musical in Broadway history (only behind Phantom) but, this song has also been sung millions, NAY – billions of times by every drama and/or choir geek trying out for ANYTHING from the beginning of time. (Or in this case, 1980 when the song was composed.) I’m saying that singing “Memory” if you are in theater or music is like…like.. REQUIRED. It’s like asking a football fan if the Superbowl is popular.

You really upset Lordy Andy, who practically SPIT at the camera that you JUST DIDN’T GET IT and telling you it was about a “Glamourpuss” obviously wasn’t much help. I listened quietly to you sing it prettily… nicely…. soothingly… like a fluffy patch of clouds floating by a window while the dandelions danced in the grass…

And then I had what can only be described as a total conniption fit.

I paused the TV and turned on Kory, the only male in my vicinity and demanded to know if he knew what that song was about and he, truthfully, answered that he did not and I clutched my chest and wrenched my hands and clothes and told him about how this song is about loss and regret and how she was once beautiful and revered and desired and lived in the sunlight and now she lives in the shadows and has lost her beauty and has been tossed aside… but then the song swells and she remembers that dawn in coming and a new day will begin and her life can begin again… and I’m teary-eyed and sort of defiant and Kory’s all… oh.. ok, honey… thanks for explaining that… trying not to let me see him rolling his eyes…

So, the thing is, Jason’s version was… pretty. But this performance sort of crapped on “Cats” and Andrew Lloyd Webber and musicals in general… and as someone who sang my guts out performing this song many times growing up, you got a little poo on me, too.

Brooke White – “You Must Love Me”

I can’t remember a time when I have been more disappointed by an Idol contestant. Every week I think she will get it together and EVERY WEEK SHE SCREWS IT UP. The song choice was awful. The arrangement was amateurish and had childlike pauses as if she was remembering her finger-placement on the keys or taking a breath.

You must love………ME. You must love…….(find the chord)……ME.

Plunky. Emotionally detached. Nervous. Bad. Bad. Bad.

The start/stop/start over made me actually GASP out loud.



Oh my God, she’s doing it AGAIN! She’s STARTING OVER AGAIN!

For those counting, that is the SECOND time she has stopped at the beginning of a song and started over and I hate it, hate it, hate it… and finally, the judges agreed.

This is what Paula looked like when it was her turn to comment:

Drone Paula was so upset. She even did her patented talk like you have a period after every word – thing.

“You. MUST. NEVER. Start. And. Stop.”

She looked a little ill being that critical of someone, but I was running around the living room with my own pineapple coaster earrings on yelling “HALLELUJAH SISTER!”

Brooke, 3rd strike. You are out. You SHOULD be out. That was way too rookie for this level of the game… but for the record…. I would buy your CD. I will buy it because I do like your voice very much – but it’s time to hang up your Idol shoes.

Random Ricky Schroeder in the audience…

David Archubarfa – “Think Of Me”

Why am I only one that thinks he looks like a Muppet? With his big Grover eyebrows and his fuzzy hair and his BIG WHITE CHICLET TEETH!

Vocally, it wasn’t bad, actually. One of his least annoying performances for me… probably helped somewhat by the fact that I LERVE ME SOME PHANTOM OF THE OPERA.

Here’s the thing: He forgot his lyrics, too.

Don’t believe me?

Go back and listen. In the last verse he’s singing along and then all of the sudden it’s

“Imagine me… webeh mefemba.. sussen fuh… mavera shmeh… ONE BY ONE!!!!”

Which, CHRIST ON TOAST, is just. not. acceptable. at. this. stage. of. the. competition.

I hope you’re happy. I’m so upset, I Paula’d.

Random shot of Paul Stanley from Kiss

I told Kory this was the lead singer from Ratt, last night… this morning, when I looked again I realized it was Paul Stanley from Kiss but still couldn’t figure out why he was in the audience. Or why he looked like a Cro-Magnon Tranny. And a little like Cher.

Turns out that he actually played The Phantom for while in Toronto. And Wikipedia says he has done charity work for “individuals with facial differences”. Because he was Phantom and incidentally has his own impairment called Microtia.

I’m not sure that’s his biggest facial issue, but anyway…

Carly Smithson – “Jesus Christ Superstar”

Boy, oh boy, was I worried.

This could have been a trainwreck. Instead it was *shrug*… ok.

I mean, pretty good. I didn’t get excited, but I didn’t hate it. It’s definitely a step in the right direction anyway. The dress was cute, but the black tights were back and ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THE BLACK TIGHTS. Her hair was very cute, as well.

It’s just… she still screamed the whole song. It’s just that since it’s Broadway, it sounded right because you really have to belt it out on Broadway. So, it’s not that I think she’s really grown or improved or shown something new… she just found a vehicle for the vein-popping, I’m about to chew your face off, screaming performance that she loves to give.

Her “Better never have to get a desk job” hoooosband:

And… geez… it’s so pathetic… the t-shirt.

How many times has Ricky, the band leader, held on to this shirt for her?

Man. I was embarrassed for her.

David Cook – “Music of the Night”

Um. How do I find the words?

Ok, I peed my pants a little.

:::::::::: deep adoring sigh ::::::::::::

It was just so, so, so, so good. I’m such a Cookie already… but then, he tapped into my love of musical theater and did it SUCH JUSTICE and sang it just the right way, with the right reverence and the right emotion…. and I couldn’t have loved it more unless he was handing me chocolate and money while he sang.

Probably, I’m not exaggerating.

Proof, you say?

Kory took this completely candid picture of me, when David hit that last note:

See the mouth open? And the chest clutching?

I hate the picture, but this is actually what it’s like to watch Idol with me….

Did I mention that Kory is a saint? (and that he took all of this week’s pictures, again?)

Going home: Brooke

Tonight – Idol Goes Green (snore) (I mean, it’s very important!) (I swear, I’m paying attention!) (Zzzzz.)

April 22, 2008

Idol ~ Stoned Bagels

Filed under: American Idol,Around Town — denise @ 4:26 pm


Tonight is Andrew Lloyd Webber night.  Seacrest will likely tell you all of this but these are the musicals we will likely hear from tonight:

  • Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
  • Evita
  • Cats
  • Jesus Christ Superstar
  • Phantom of the Opera
  • Sunset Boulevard

… and many, many others…   I have no predictions for tonight because I always suck at them, though I remain secretly convinced that I should be selecting song choices for people FOR A LIVING… kind of like a personal shopper but way less return policy red tape.

I’m not sayin… I’m just sayin’….

Andrew Lloyd Weber  howdy doody 

So disturbing.  Really.  Really. Disturbing.

Stoned Bagels

Dani and I went to Bruegger’s Bagels for lunch.  We walked in and all the employees practically screamed joyous hellos at us.



In my mind, it’s as if I said to myself, “Spock, raise the shields.” 

Dani: (looking at the menu)  Can I get anything in a wrap?

Girl#1 (let’s just call her Cinnamon): YES!!!!!!!!!!

Girl#2 (we’ll call this one MoonUnit): YOU CAN GET ANYTHING IN A WRAP!!!!!!!

Dude sweeping floor:  (just keeps sweepting)


Me: Well, we’re leaving then.

MoonUnit, grabbing sweeping dude: You can have DJ, though!

DJ flashes this smile at us:

ren bad teeth rotten breath

We flinch.



Me:  Yeah, we get it.

Dani:  Can I get a wrap with the combo?

At this point both the girls almost lauch themselves out of their bodies in screaming in rapture and enthusiam for having a wrap with the combo.

Me (to Dani):  I think they are all high.  Do you think they are high?

MoonUnit:  IT’S SO NICE OUT TODAY!!!!!!

Cinnamon:  Other guy! Go ring them up!

Other guy (we’ll call him John Madden):  What can I make you? (putting those glove things on)


All employees freeze and stare at us.

Dani: Soooo…. who am I giving my order to?

Bossy Cinnamon: ME!!!  GO RING THEM UP!

John Madden: (flinging off this gloves)  Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine… mumble..mumble.

He rings us up and then suddenly freezes and stares at Dani, who for the record, is wearing a jacket.


Dani and I stare at each other and then back at him. I mouth, “I told you they were stoned” at her. We giggle.


Dani:  Wha?

Me:  It IS a coat.

John Madden: Oh that’s so weird because I totally thought it was a coat.

Me: *making that doo doo doo circus/carnival music in my head*  Um.

Me: (to Dani)  What’s the name of that football announcer on Thanksgiving with the 8 turkey legs?

Dani: Dude. Now I think you are stoned, too.  All of you are stoned.

Me: NO!!! This guy is just like that announcer! 

Me (to John Madden):  Hey, what’s that announcer from Thanksgiving with the 8 turkey legs?

Dani:  Why do you keep saying 8 turkey legs?

Me:  It’s a tradition, they sew these extra turkey legs onto a turkey and the MVP player dudes all get to rip one off.. it’s a big deal…

Dani: (outraged) OFF A LIVE TURKEY?!!!!!!!!

Me:  No, geez… a roasted turkey with like extra roasted turkey legs…

Dani: Ok, because I was totally going to call PETA.

John Madden: You mean John Madden. Oh yeah, that was so awesome that one Thanksgiving because it was Denny Green I mean no not him it was Cris Carter and RandyMoss and I can’t remember the last guy but I totally watched in the other room at Thanksgiving and I got in big trouble with my family because we weren’t supposed to be in the other room, but my mom and I were in there and I wasn’t the only one but I was the oldest of the kids and I didn’t even care because I just brought my food in there and it’s totally not the same now that he and Al Michaels are on the other channel and that BIG STUPID ROBOT is on there now… and Boom! THAT’S WHAT THAT’S ALL ABOUT!

[Ok, I made up the last 6 words, but the rest if verbatum.]


Me: (to Dani)  They are stoned. And we are cursed.

MoonUnit: CURSED!

Me: Everything is going badly for us today… 


John Madden (to Cinnamon and MoonUnit): I thought that a COAT!

Dani and I (in unison): IT IS A COAT!!

Dani:  Maybe now we are stoned, too….

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