
June 5, 2008

#5 of 30

Filed under: 30/100/30 — Tags: , , , , , , — denise @ 6:48 pm

Pat: So, do you know in actuality that the peppermint makes the chachki tingle, or is this theoretical?

*eyebrow, eyebrow, eyebrow*

Me: No, uh… I know first hand.

Pat: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally….

*eyebrow, eyebrow, eyebrow*

Me: Well.. it was all a bit slapdash.

Pat: *snort*  *giggle*

Julie: She thinks it’s lipgloss.

Me: WHAT?!!!!!!!!!  No!  It’s body wash!  What?! You thought I wanted to be more shiny down there?

Julie: Uh, noShe thought Kory was wearing it.

Me: *speechless, blushing FURIOUSLY*  It was an innocent shower!

Pat: *eyebrow, eyebrow, giggle*


June 3, 2008

#3 of 30

Filed under: 30/100/30 — Tags: , , , — denise @ 8:41 pm

Last week I bought this at Bath & Body:

I bought it because I am desperately in love with their lip gloss products and I love peppermint.

This is my recommendation:  Be careful with your girly bits.

I can’t speak for boys and their bits…. but, I personally will never apply this product in a slap-dash mannor to this region:

Because while the rest of your body feels like it’s been rolling in a heavenly pile of warm Peppermint Patties and then wrapped in a soft towel of Double Mint Gum, your CHACHKI feels like this:

Whoa.  Holy frozen chachki.

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