
April 16, 2008

Archives, etc.

Filed under: General — Tags: , — denise @ 6:03 am

I’m working on the Idol blog…

In the meantime, if you are bored  – I’ve been working on moving my old blogs over to this site.  You’ll see that in the Archives section on that right.  I’ve moved all the oldest ones up to July of ’06  and just need to finish moving up to ’08. Mind you, they aren’t all “move worthy” so I’ve left many of them. Ones that are me mostly whining and complaining and feeling slighted,  etc, don’t need to come here.  They need not have been written at all! You can also sort by category, if that’s your thing. There are some old Idol blogs, but I haven’t moved many over yet….

Also, many of you email ,call or tell me in person something funny about the blog you read – and I encourage you to post your comment here so everyone can enjoy it!  You only have to sign in once  just to prevent spammers that want to sell people sex toys and ink cartridges in my comments.  Rude.  After that, commenting is easy-peasy.

I also have many bloggers (and friends) in my blogroll, but for some reason, they aren’t showing up. Kory is working on it.


  1. I haven’t taken the time to figure out how to comment on Deeples and am not entirely sure what Deeples is so I will comment here. :o)

    I think you should move ALL of them over not just the ones you deem “Worthy.” Seriously!!! I remember I was having a really bad day when I remember reading about the sparkly eye shadow for your manager or supervisor whatever she is or was and it turned my whole day around. Then there was the the gyros, the farter are your office and so much more. If your not going to transfer them, I expect a hard copy, bound and inscribed with sparkly eye shadow. ;o)

    Love ya,

    Comment by Richard — April 16, 2008 @ 4:06 pm

  2. I somehow just haven’t explained this whole Deeples thing well…. 🙂

    It’s my own webpage. It’s just me. Well, me and Kory — but no one else. We are the sole proprietors of that site. It’s “run” by WordPress, but we have sole control over the page, the emails, etc. So, you aren’t signing up for anything… it’s just my little ole page. AND I MISS YOUR COMMENTS DAMMIT. IN FACT, I AM GOING TO CUT AND PASTE THIS COMMENT OVER TO THE WEBPAGE! Maybe it’ll make other people feel comfortable commenting?

    Again, for the record — only Kory and I have access to anyone’s email address, name, etc. that comment at

    You also have a point about moving all the blogs… I suppose I shouldn’t censor just want I like in retrospect. I’ll move them all! So, wade through the archives at your own risk!

    Comment by denise — April 16, 2008 @ 4:07 pm

  3. Also… Clinton? Tanya? Trisha? Lori?

    You used to be commenters! And good ones!

    Won’t you come play at my new house? 🙂

    Comment by denise — April 16, 2008 @ 4:09 pm

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